MC22 Has Expanded Their Operation with NVerzion’s NControl Package
Salt Lake City, UT - December 14, 2022 - MC22, one of the leading content providers of locally produced programming in communities throughout the midwest, has purchased the NControl package with eight channels. With this addition, MC22 now operates a system capable of playlist regionalizing and automation for all of their channels.
MC22’s previous system was strictly configured for router control. The addition of a new router and master control switcher signaled the need for expanded capability, which would include NVerzion’s NControl and its master control component array. MC22 recognized the importance of developing a more powerful playlist with multiple schedules throughout their seven midwest regions; including Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky.
With the equipment acquisition, MC22 can successfully localize multiple-unit programming in several states. An example of MC22’s new reach is the ability to cover multi-location events such as Friday night high school football games -- the kind of production now possible with NVerzion’s automation system. Graphic insertion and additional video source access is also now streamlined.
“The role of service and support is vital for us and goes back nearly four years prior to the equipment purchase. The planning phase was long-term, and in many ways lent itself to the strength of this endeavor,” said Bill Brown, Regional Video Engineer for MC22. “We knew that NVerzion was a very good fit after many recommendations and product evaluations. The integration of the NVerzion system with our existing hardware went very well on the technical side,” he continued.
“Obtaining new router and automation at the same time presented some unique challenges concerning the placement sequence, but NVerzion’s customer support team helped us past those hurdles,” added Bennett Flaherty, MC22 Production Manager.
MC22 purchased the NControl and supplemental machine control hardware during a recent budget cycle, with two NFinity 4-channel video servers acquired more recently. MC22 is now able to send up to seven separate feeds with the main feed free to duplicate other regions as needed. NFinity also provides branding capability and additional graphics management on MC22’s other channels when necessary.
“When we first engaged the engineers at MC22, the challenge to replace their aging, home-built system was a definite concern,” said Reed Haslam, NVerzion’s director of sales. “The resistance to change is always a consideration, but the time spent planning and providing detailed information to MC22’s engineers provided a thorough and accurate system understanding and exceptional end result.” To learn more about NVerzion’s Video Server and how it can streamline existing content record and playback operations, please visit